Stina French is the founder of Sister Rainbow Scream. She instructs composition and literature at the college level, and specializes in body-based writing, shame release, and erotic empowerment. Her work offers intimate representations of sexuality, repression, and the healing process.
She leads monthly generative writing workshops and hosts the monthly reading series, “listen to your skin: an erotic open-mic series” (last Sunday of each month). Think of it like “text-y sex church.” Email her at with any questions. Click here for the event link (after reading the guidelines) and here for the open-mic sign-up sheet.
She is a proud genre-slut, and writes erotic mystery, magic-realism, flash memoir, poetry, and collaborative smutlit. She’s featured in many Colorado venues, such as F-Bomb, At The Inkwell, The Art Of Storytelling, and, her personal favorite (though she really shouldn’t pick favorites), Jazzetry with consummate improv-jazz musicians, Von Disco (or, as I like to call them: The Sonic Spankers). Her work has appeared in Jen Pastiloff’s Manifest Station, Heavy Feather Review, and South Broadway Ghost Society, among others.
She is scratching at the door of her body, writing poems like passwords to get back in. To get forgived. To get at something like the truth. To get it to go down easy, or at all. She wears welts from the Bible Belt. Writes on mirrors, windows, shower walls. Her body. Other bodies.
She’s working on two manuscripts. One is Also Arc, Also Offering, a Southern-queerdo, coming-of-age hybrid memoir, in flash non-fiction and magical-realist interludes. Another is an erotic BDSM-themed mystery novel, Mistress Immaculate’s Murder Most Mildew. Her first manuscript is Hope You Like Dick: a choose-an-adventure erotic memoir. It’s not published, but it does always play well to drunken literary types at the bar.